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The issues for attention insight for Jira Service Management boards surfaces the 30 highest priority issues on your board, making it easier for you to address your most important work.
There are three types of issues that appear in the insights panel: issues breaching SLAs, stuck issues, and issues that are blocked by their dependencies.
Select the Insights button on your board view to see the Issues for attention insight, and select an issue to see more details.
Insight tabs
All is the default tab and shows all of your issues for attention. This list may include issues that are stuck, blocked or breaching an SLA. Issues in this list may also be a combination of all three.
SLA breaching issues have breached or are within 30 minutes of breaching their Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Read more about SLAs.
ブロックされた課題は、[クイック追加 ()] ボタンにある [ブロックされている] リンクによって依存関係にリンクされています。このインサイトは [ブロックされている] リンクの既定のステータスに依存しています。リンクが変更されると、このインサイトには課題が表示されません。
Stuck issues are automatically labeled as stuck when they’ve been in the same status for too long. What counts as ‘too long’ is calculated based off the amount of time other issues usually stay in the status. If the issue has stayed in the status longer then 85% of other issues, it will be considered stuck.
Issue ordering within the panel
Since the insights panel surfaces only the 30 highest priority issues on your board, these issues are automatically ordered to make it easier for you and your team to know what to pay attention to next.
Five main factors are used to order these 30 issues: the priority field, SLA status, due date, stuck duration, and blocker size.
Issues are ordered first by the priority field set by you or your team. Your highest priority issues will show first.
Next, the SLA status will be checked. The longer an issue has been breached or the closer it is to breaching, the higher it will appear in the panel.
After that, the due date is checked. Issues that have a closer due date will rank higher.
Then, the stuck duration comes into play. The longer an issue has been stuck, higher its priority.
Lastly, blocker size will be taken into consideration. The bigger the blocker, the higher it will appear in the list of issues for attention.
インサイトの下部に [前へ] ボタンと [次へ] ボタンが表示される場合があります。課題が多すぎて 1 つのリストに表示しきれない場合にこれらのボタンが表示されます。タブの下に残りの課題を表示するには [次へ] を選択します。ステップを 1 つ戻るには [前へ] を選択します。