Customer requests are organized into queues. Queues let you quickly view, triage, and assign requests as they come in. They also provide high-level information on a work item; usually a summary, status, and customer name.
You can use the preconfigured queues in your service projector create your own custom queues. Find out how to create a queue.
When you create a queue, you can choose the name for the queue, determine what requests are filtered into the queue, and what columns appear in the queue. You can also sort your queues into priority groups if you need more levels of organisation. More about priority groups.
You can search and filter your queue further using the fropdown filters and search bar at the top of the queue page. By default, the request type, status and assignee filters are always available, but you can also use More filters to add additional filtering options based on other fields in your project. The search bar in queues can search through almost all text fields on your work items, including the key, but can’t search through the comments or worklog of your work items.
Queues are often sorted by a Service Level Agreement (SLA) or goal for your team's service interactions. Once set up, a clock on the work item will indicates the time until your team's next target is due. Read more about SLAs.
Example queues
You may have a ‘time to first response’ goal. You could create a queue that prioritizes requests to the top of your list that are closest to expiring on that goal, so you and your team can focus on the most important requests first. eg: “SLA priority”
You may have a number of teams, departments, or locales working in the same project. You could create different queues for each of these teams. eg: “HR requests” and “IT requests” or “Sydney office” and “Melbourne office”.
You may have a number of different types of requests you’d like to group in to similar groups. eg: “HR onboarding requests” or “IT hardware requests”
How you set up your queues depends on the size and shape of your company and team, and may change as you work and grow your team and processes.
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