
Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets


To edit a status in Assets that has been added at a configuration level, you need to be logged in as a Jira admin.

To edit the status of an individual schema, you must also have Object Schema Manager permissions.

Edit statuses at a configuration level

For your service project:

  1. Go to Assets and select Configure.

  2. [ステータス] タブで、[名前] 、[説明]、または [カテゴリー] を選択して編集します。 

  3. Select Update.

Edit a status for an individual schema

  1. [アセット] に移動して [オブジェクト スキーマ] を選択します。

  2. [スキーマ設定] を選択します。

  3. Under the References tab, select the NameDescription, or Category to edit. 

  4. Select Update.



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