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データ マネージャー - 変換関数

Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is currently rolling out in Open Beta and will be available to all Premium + Enterprise sites by end of October 2024.

変換関数とは短いコードの塊であり、ジョブに追加して、データ マネージャーに取り込む際に生データを修正できます。アダプターで既定で有効になっている関数はありませんが、アダプターにはジョブに追加できる関数が 9 つあります。


アダプター クライアントからデータをアップロードするジョブが少なくとも 1 回実行されるまで、変換関数は使用できません。

通常、関数はデータ ソースからコピーされるフィールドのクリーンアップやフォーマットを改善するためにジョブに追加されます。例:

  • デバイスのメモリ量を保持するフィールドは、Set Column Type 関数を追加してデータ型を「Big Int」に変更し、後でフィールドを検索またはフィルタリングできるようにすることで拡張できます。

  • VCenter のホスト名を保持するフィールドは、Remove Right Substring 関数を使用してピリオドの後に続く情報をすべて削除することで消去できます。


Types of Transform functions

Transform function



Remove right substring

Removes the right hand side of a delimiter from a string field.

The column or attribute name that is impacted must be specified.

Replace String

Replaces an old character with a new character in a string field.

The column or attribute name that is impacted must be specified.

Add DateDiff Column

Adds a column to the table containing data retrieved from the data source and fills it with the number of days between the specified column and a base date

The column or attribute name that is impacted must be specified.

For the difference to be calculated, a base date needs to be specified in dd/mm/yyyy format.

If the base date is not specified, the function uses the current date.

Calculate IP Subnet Range

Converts the subnet to CIDR long range.

The subnet column name of the table needs to be specified. This is the table which contains the data retrieved from data source.

Convert String to DateTime

Converts a string field to a date time field.

The date format of the source column must be specified. The format you select must be from the list of formats compliant with Microsoft.

Rename Column With Right String

Renames an existing column. In doing so, it also matches the old column name partly from right-hand side.

As an example suppose you already have a "OperatingSystemVersionNumber" column and you want to change it to "OSVersion". One option you have is to type down the complete names, the other option is by just entering "VersionNumber" (as the rightmost part of the old name) and set "OSVersion" as the new name. So, the system finds out that there is only one column ("OperatingSystemVersionNumber") which has "VersionNumber" as the rightmost part, and it renames it to "OSVersion". If there is more than one column matching, only the first found one will be renamed.

Set Column type

Sets that data type for the column/field/attribute in a table. This is the table which contains retrieved data from the data source

The column name and data type need to be specified.

Discover Locations

Adds the location data to the table. It is based on IP analysis of the job that produces the subnet/sites and services table.

The subnets job name must be specified.

Replace with Null

Replaces a column/field with NULL value.

The value(s) to be replaced with Null and column name must be specified.

Multiple values need to be separated with a comma between them.


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