
Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets


Attribute types in Assets define the kind of information an attribute can hold, such as text, numbers, references to objects, users, groups, projects, statuses, or Bitbucket repository links.

Attributes are categorized into seven groups: Default, Object, User, Group, Project, Status, and Bitbucket Repository.


Contain a persistent value, such as text, a number, or a URL. There are several subtypes:

  • Text - contains normal text such as Dell W385553 with a maximum length of 255 characters. Text attribute types can include a suffix and text, email, or URL attributes can be configured with a regular expression for validation. Text attributes can be configured to be unique.

  • Boolean - contains a yes or no value, such as true. It can only contain a true or false value.

  • Integer - contains an integer, such as 42, within the range of -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. Integer attributes can include a suffix and be configured to show the sum of multiple attributes.

  • Float - contains a number with a decimal, such as 42.01. Float attribute types can include a suffix and can be configured to show the sum of multiple attributes.

  • Date - contains a date, such as 13/Feb/23. The date will be formatted and offset according to the language and time zone configured in your Atlassian account settings.

  • DateTime - contains a date and time, such as 13/Feb/23 4:06 AM. The date and time will be formatted and offset according to the language and time zone configured in your Atlassian account settings.

  • URL - contains a URL field, such as www.google.com. Text, email or URL attribute types can be configured with a regular expression. URL attributes must start with the prefix http:// or htps://. Learn about validating attributes with a regular expression

  • Email - contains an email field, such as support@atlassian.com. Text, email or URL attribute types can be configured with a regular expression. Learn about validating attributes with a regular expression

  • Textarea - contains a larger section of text with a maximum of one million characters, including line breaks and formatting. You can use the rich editor to customise the content.

  • Select - contains one or more text values that can be selected as discrete options, such as Laptop, Keyboard, and Server.

  • IP Address - contains an IP address (IPv4), such as

Object attribute types

Object attribute types contain references to other objects. The cardinality (minimum and maximum number) of objects within an attribute type can be configured. Attribute values can be filtered using AQL.


The user attribute type contains a link to the Jira user. Assets will automatically detect all Jira users that you have permission to view. Learn more about permissions

Sorting by User within an Assets object list will sort by Jira User ID, not by the user's name. To sort by the user's name, you can use the following AQL query in the Advanced search instead:

“ORDER BY User.Name ASC"


The group attribute type contains a link to a Jira group. Assets will automatically detect all Jira groups that you have permission to view.


The project attribute type contains a Jira project. Assets will automatically detect any project that your account has permission to access.


The status attribute type contains a status selected from global and object-schema-specific options. If no statuses are selected, the entire list will be available.

Bitbucket 属性タイプ

Contains a link to a Bitbucket repository. Assets will automatically detect any repository your account has permission to access. Learn more about adding a Bitbucket repository to an attribute



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