
Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets


You can view the total sum of Integer or Float attribute values in List view in Assets. This setting can be toggled on or off per user.


To show the sum of Integer or Float attributes:

  1. Go to Assets and select an object schema.

  2. リスト ビューを選択します。

  3. 右上の [] アイコンを選択します。

    1. If the attribute you want to sum is not displayed, use the Search columns field to add it.

  4. [合計を表示] トグルを有効にします。

The sum of the selected attribute will appear next to the sum symbol ().

This feature only shows the sum of the values on the current page and may include child object attributes if Pass all attributes to child object types is enabled.



アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。