Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets
When you create a nested object type (an object type within another) in Assets, it can automatically inherit all attributes from its parent.
However, if you've already enforced inheritance for all attributes, this option won’t be available. If you modify the parent object type or add new attributes, you may need to refresh the setting manually.
To enable this setting, you must be logged in as a Jira admin or have Object Schema Manager permissions.
Go to Assets and select an object schema.
Select the relevant object type.
Select the relevant child object type.
下部の [Add Parent Attributes (親属性を追加)] を選択します。
ポップアップ ウィンドウで [追加] を選択します。
アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。