• 製品
  • 使用を開始する
  • 関連ドキュメント
  • リソース

What is a help center?

A help center is one of the request channels in Jira Service Management--a centralised hub where your customers can go to get information and raise requests.

You can use a help center to:

  • keep your customers informed about the different kinds of help or support you offer

  • help them self-service using help resources you’ve created

  • create a space for your customers to raise and track requests

When your customers visit a help center, they can navigate through different sections to access relevant information. Help centers can be designed to streamline your support processes, improve your customers' help-seeking experience, and ensure timely resolution of their requests.

When you sign up for a Jira Service Management site, a default help center is automatically created for your site. For each service project you create, a corresponding portal also gets automatically created. The default help center displays portals of service projects on your site and other curated help resources. Find out more about portals and help resources.

Jira Service Management Premium and Enterprise users can create multiple help centers on a single site.

This feature is currently being rolled out and may not yet be available on your Jira Service Management site. To find out when this feature will be live on your site, keep an eye on our release notes or the Atlassian Community.

You need to be a site admin or Jira admin to set up and manage help centers on your site.

For instance, you could create one help center for internal employee support and another for external customer support. Or, you could create multiple help centers to cater to employees or customers in different locations. You could create different help centers for different products or services your team deals in. Or you could create different help centers for the different types of customers you cater to.

To view all help centers on your site:

  1. [設定] () > [製品] > [Jira Service Management] > [構成] の順に移動します。

  2. [ヘルプ センター] セクションで [すべてのヘルプ センターを表示] を選択します。



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