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Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is currently rolling out in Open Beta and will be available to all Premium + Enterprise sites by end of October 2024.

Transform Functions are instructions attached to a job that modify your data from Raw Data into Transformed Data. Transform Functions are commonly used to remove unnecessary characters in your raw data, format dates, or calculate the difference between two dates.


Transform Functions are run automatically when you run a job using the Adapters Client, or you can use the Transformation Request to run them manually. This is useful if you adjust your Transform Functions and want to validate that the data has transformed correctly. If it has, you can then cleanse and import again without the need to run the Adapters Client job.

Run a Transform function using a Transformation request


  1. From within Data Manager, select Adapters in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select Recent jobs in the left navigation bar.

  3. 最上部にある [変換リクエスト] を選択します。

  4. 変換リクエストを実行するジョブを選択します。

  5. [送信] を選択します。

[変換されたデータを表示する] アイコンをクリックすると、変換リクエストの結果をすぐに確認できます。


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