Run a playbook and view outputs
This feature documentation is part of an Early Access Program (EAP) release and is made available for preview. It may not be fully stable and could be subject to changes. Use at your own discretion.
Playbooks enhance workflows by delivering clear, step-by-step guidance right in the open issue view. Bringing all essential data and actions together minimizes tool-switching and empowers you to make swift decisions, take prompt actions, and collaborate seamlessly with your teams.
Log output to playbooks
You can use this action to set up the output the agent sees in the issue view after a playbook step runs. It lets you customize the message and pick which rule execution results to highlight. To view the output, click Show outputs.
Set the output message. It’s a required field. Based on the automation rule's setup, each step run generates an output. The rule must include a component Log output to playbook to display the result. For example, you cab use the smart values of the reporter to show who has executed the playbook step: {{reporter.displayName}}
Key-value pairs
By utilizing multiple elements within a single rule, you can create more detailed outputs. The administrator can adjust the manual rules to control the format and timing of these outputs.
When the action is executed, you can include key-value pairs in the JSON message sent to the Playbook step's execution output. You can add up to 10 key-value pairs to an action.
Run a step in the playbook for an incident
Go to Project settings > Queues.
Go to the Others section and select Open issue.
View the recommended playbooks for the issue, including the number of steps for each.
Choose the playbook to run, which shows the necessary steps. The steps in the playbook are either an instructional step or an automated step run .
Each completed step is marked as done and indicates progress clearly.
Take a look at the detailed execution output for each step to see if it was completed successfully or if you need to take an action.
After completing all steps, review the Execution logs to evaluate the overall results.
View outputs at an incident level
Each playbook step has an execution log that you can view when the step was triggered, the final result of the execution, and any actions that the rule may have performed.
To view the execution log, open the Execution log tab. An execution log table is displayed with the following information:
Playbook name: the name of the playbook
Playbook steps: the playbook step that was triggered
Date & time: the date and time that the playbook was triggered.
Status: the status of the execution.
所要時間: ルールの実行にかかった時間の長さ。
Run by: who performed that step
You can click Show output to view more details about the playbook steps.
View run status
There are statuses related to a playbook system used by agents. Each status indicates specific progress or outcomes
ステータス | これはどういう意味ですか。 |
4 steps | This indicates the total number of steps the agents must take to complete the playbook. |
1/4 steps done | This shows how many steps are complete and how many remain. |
Mark as done | This indicates that the agent has an instructional step or manual step that they need to perform |
完了 | When the agent clicks the button for an instructional rule, this indicates when the agent has completed a manual. |
[実行] をクリックします。 | This indicates that the agent has an automated step |
成功 | When an automated rule runs successfully. This indicates that an automated rule has successfully completed its execution. |
失敗 | This indicates that an automated rule has failed to execute due to an error. |
Check playbook status
You can view the playbook's status to identify whether a playbook is currently active. If a playbook is inactive, it cannot be run until it is enabled. The status of a playbook is shown on its playbook details page.
Enabled: The playbook is currently active.
Disabled: The playbook is not currently in use.
出力をプレイブック レベルで表示する
Go to Project settings > Playbooks to to open playbook details and view the list of all playbooks.
プレイブック フィルターを使用して、実行されたプレイブックのリストを表示します。
To view output details, select a playbook row and click Show outputs.