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データ マネージャー - ImportScore

Assets Data Manager for Jira Service Management Cloud is a Premium and Enterprise only feature that is currently in Open Beta development. View and vote on our list of upcoming features.

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The ImportScore is a measure of the maximum size of a single import, used to calculate the speed and success of a prospective Import. The ImportScore is calculated using the following formula:

ImportScore per Object Class = (numOfMappedAttributes x sumOfCleansedRecords ) / 1000


An object class import with 7 mapped attributes and 200k cleansed records would have an ImportScore of 1400.
An object class import with 16 mapped attributes and 80k cleansed records would have an ImportScore of 1280.

システムにある既存のデータ ソースの数、さまざまなデータ ソースにわたるデータのカーディナリティ、属性の複雑さ、現在 UI を使用しているユーザーの数など、その他の要因もジョブの速度や成功に影響を与える可能性があります。


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