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Create incident from alerts with Atlassian Intelligence

Premium プランず Enterprise プランのすべおの補品で Atlassian Intelligence の利甚が可胜になり、自動的に有効化されるようになりたした。組織管理者は、アトラシアンの管理の [蚭定] > [Atlassian Intelligence] から Atlassian Intelligence の蚭定を管理できたす。

この Atlassian Intelligence 機胜はベヌタ版です。 Atlassian Intelligence の機胜の詳现はこちらをご確認ください。

In cases where alerts may indicate an issue or require specialized incident management, you can escalate the alert to an incident. You can do this by creating an incident by selecting alerts from the alerts in List view or linking them to an existing incident. Using Atlassian Intelligence (AI) speeds up this whole process. It suggests a title, a description, and a priority for the incident you’re creating which you can use to save time.


This feature leverages Atlassian Intelligence to assist on-call teams in decreasing the time required to create incidents. To create an incident from the alerts:

  1. Atlassian Intelligence をただ有効化しおいない堎合は、有効化したす。
    Atlassian Intelligence for Jira Service Management を有効化するには、組織管理者である必芁がありたす。

  2. Go to the List view or Detail view of alerts.
    If you’re in the List view, select an alert or multiple alerts for which you want to create an incident.

  3. Select Create incident.
    The Create issue dialog comes up. Atlassian Intelligence suggests a title, a description, and a priority for the incident you’re creating.

  4. Select Insert to copy the suggestion into the respective field.
    Also, use the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon to let us know if they make sense or not.

  5. Make further edits as necessary and select Create.

You can create an incident with Atlassian Intelligence from AI view as well.


゚クスペリ゚ンスの確認䞭は、Atlassian Intelligence が生成するむンシデントの芁玄に察しお䞊向き👍たたは䞋向き👎の芪指アむコンを付けるこずで、PIR の䜜成に䜿甚でき、意味をなしたかどうかを圓瀟に瀺すこずができたす。たずえば、むンシデントの芁玄が正確でない、たたは䞍完党だず思われる堎合は、䞋向きの芪指アむコンを遞択しお詳现を共有したす。

Atlassian Intelligence の詳现に぀いおは、Trust Center たたは次のリンクをご芧ください。



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