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Set up change management

Seamlessly create change requests when your team initiates deployments to selected services. Learn how to set up your deployment pipeline.

Add change approvers to a service

These will be the go-to approvers for any changes on a specific service. Learn about creating services and change approvers.

Create automation rules for changes

Minimize redundancy and manual efforts by automating your change approvals and notifications. Learn how to create automation rules for change management.

Customize approval workflows for changes

Make sure the right people approve a change before it gets deployed. Learn how to set up deployment gating.

Add relationships and dependencies for services

Help your tools and teams understand how services relate or depend upon each other. Learn how to add a service relationship.

Make the most of change management

Check out our documentation to find out how to do even more with changes. Learn best practices for change management.

Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.