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Invite Halp agents to Jira Service Management

Halp’s features will be exclusively available in Jira Service Management starting on June 4, 2024. Keep working on requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams as you are today by migrating to Jira Service Management.

Start inviting your agents to join your new cloud site after you’ve created a service project for your Halp queue. We require that you invite agents before connecting your queue, because this prevents requests from being raised before there’s anyone to work on them.

If your agents already have an Atlassian account associated with their company email address, they receive an invite to the cloud site, where they can use their existing login. They are also added to the correlating service project with permissions that mirror their Halp role.

If they don’t have an Atlassian account yet, they receive an invitation to activate their account and to join the cloud site and the service project with the correct role.

Invite your agents

When you invite agents to your service project, you pay the Jira Service Management pricing depending on your plan. If you have agents you don’t want to invite to the new service project, remove them from Halp before continuing.

These steps are only available once you’ve created a service project. To invite agents:

  1. Go to Migrate to Jira Service Management from your queue.

  2. Select Invite agents.

  3. From the Invite agents dialog, review your agent accounts. If you see account(s) you don’t wish to add to Jira Service Management, remove them from the agent channel in Slack or Microsoft Teams before proceeding.

  4. Once the agent list includes only those who should have access to the new service project, select Add agents.

Your agents should receive emails inviting them to the service project. If they don’t have an Atlassian account, they need to activate their new account before they can access the service project. Once you’ve invited your Halp agents, you can manage users from your Atlassian administration panel.

The last required step of your migration is to connect your Halp queue to your Jira Service Management project.

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