Create and edit the content of your customer notifications
You must be a project administrator to create or edit customer notifications.
Notification templates can’t be edited if you are on a Free plan or standard plan with 10 agents free for one year only limited-time offer of Jira Service Management.
To access the feature, upgrade your plan to a paid edition and complete the evaluation period.
If you’re using a paid edition of Jira Service Management, it is possible to enable the feature during your evaluation period by contacting Atlassian support.
To create or edit notifications:
From your service project, select Project settings, then Notifications, then Customer notifications.
Choose the notification you want to edit, then select Edit.
Choose recipients by selecting and editing To. You can delete recipients by selecting the X next to an added recipient.
Under Content, edit the message. You can add variables using the Insert variable drop-down to pull blocks of information from issues.
Toggle Enable to turn customer notifications on or off.
Select Save to confirm your changes.
Choose recipients
When choosing recipients, add at least one of the following to the To field:
Reporter (customer)
The reporter of the request.
This notification is sent even if the reporter has opted out of receiving notifications on the portal.
Customers involved
All customers involved in the request, including the reporter and request participants.
This notification is not sent to customers if they have turned off notifications for an individual request in the portal or a request's email thread.
Added participants
The people who have been added as request participants.
Added organizations
The people in an organization that the request has been shared with.
The agents who need to approve or decline a request.
Exclude person who caused the action
Prevents the person who triggered the rule from receiving a notification. For example, if a customer adds a comment to a request, you can choose to exclude them so they don't receive a notification about their own comment.
Include issue variables
Data from the following variables will be hidden from notification emails when safe customer notifications are enabled in the compliance settings by your site admins. Your customers will need to log in to the portal to view the full content of a request, including any attachments.
As a project admin, you should review and edit the notification templates which contain the following variables:
Issue summary
Issue description
Learn more about safe customer notifications in compliance settings.
You can use variables to pull blocks of information from issues and insert them into your message. Select the Insert variable drop-down menu to add valid variables for the notification you're customizing.
Recipient name
The full name of the person receiving the email. ${}
Name of the person who caused the action
The full name of the person who triggered the notification, for example by adding a comment. ${}
Issue summary
The summary of the issue, or blank if there's none. ${issue.summary}
When inserting this variable with a , data will appear as [●●●●●] in the relevant notification email.
Issue description
The description of the issue, or blank if there's none. ${issue.description}
When inserting this variable with a , data will appear as [●●●●●] in the relevant notification email.
Issue key
The issue key (for example, IT-123). ${issue.key}
Issue reporter
The full name of the user that reported the issue. ${}
Issue resolution
The resolution of the issue, for example "done". ${issue.resolution}
Request URL
The URL of the request in the portal. ${request.url}
The comment added to the issue. This is only available using the "Comment added" or "Comment edited" WHEN trigger. ${comment}
When inserting this variable with a , data will appear as [●●●●●] in the relevant notification email.
Request status
The customer-visible status of the request, as shown in the portal. ${request.status}
Portal name
The portal name, which can be edited on the Portal settings page. ${}
This page is for company-managed projects
If the lower-left of your service project sidebar says you're in a team-managed project, check out these team-managed project articles instead.
Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.
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