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Connect cloud site to Halp

Halp’s features will be exclusively available in Jira Service Management starting on June 4, 2024. Keep working on requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams as you are today by migrating to Jira Service Management.

Before you start your migration, you need to connect your Jira Service Management Cloud site to your Halp account.

If your company already uses Atlassian cloud and wants to use the same site for Jira Service Management, skip to the Connect cloud site to Halp instructions.

Sign up for Jira Service Management Cloud

To sign up for a Jira Service Management Cloud site:

  1. Go to our products page and choose Jira Service Management.

  2. Fill in your details and select Agree and start now.

  3. Complete any further details in the signup process. It might take a few minutes for your site to be created.

Activate Jira Service Management on an existing cloud site

If you already have a cloud site but aren’t using Jira Service Management yet, you can activate it on your site. A site can only have one Jira Service Management subscription.

To add Jira Service Management to an existing site:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products, then Add product.

  3. From the Select site screen, select an existing site for Jira Service Management.

  4. From the Discover new products screen of that site, select Jira Service Management.

Connect cloud site to Halp

To connect your Jira Service Management site to Halp, you need to be a Halp global admin and a site admin.

Once you’ve activated Jira Service Management, connect it to your Halp account. This won’t migrate any data, but this step establishes the secure link between Jira Service Management and Halp for when you’re ready.

To connect your cloud site to Halp:

  1. In Halp, go to the queue you want to migrate.

  2. From the left sidebar, select Migrate to Jira Service Management.

  3. Select Connect cloud site.

  4. Authorize Halp via Jira Service Management.

Now you’re ready to create a new service project for your Halp queue.

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