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Edit an automation rule in team-managed service projects

Are you looking for Automation?

This article is relevant to Legacy automation in service projects created before August 30, 2021. If you don’t see Legacy automation in your service project, check out these Automation articles.

Automation rules can be changed after they’ve been added by editing the rule.

You must be an admin to edit an automation rule.

To edit an automation rule:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings, then Automation.

  2. Under Rules in this project, click the name of the rule to edit.

  3. Edit the fields in When this happens..., If these match..., and Then do this... to change your rule's trigger, conditions and actions.

  4. Select rule options (), then choose which user’s account will run the rule, if other rules can trigger this rule, and whether it’s enabled.

  5. Click Save.

This page is for team-managed projects

If the lower-left of your service project sidebar doesn’t say you're in a team-managed project, check out these company-managed project articles instead.

Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.


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