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Connect your Halp queue to your service project

Halp’s features will be exclusively available in Jira Service Management starting on June 4, 2024. Keep working on requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams as you are today by migrating to Jira Service Management.

Once you’ve invited your agents, finish your migration by connecting your Halp queue to your new Jira Service Management project.

This process transforms your Halp queue into a service project. After you connect the two, if you need to make changes to your settings, you do so in Jira Service Management.

This connection can’t be undone, so ensure you’re ready to start using Jira Service Management before continuing.

Once you’re ready to make the switch to Jira Service Management, follow the steps in your queue’s Migrate to Jira Service Management screen.

  1. Select Connect to Jira Service Management.

  2. Review the warning dialog and checkboxes informing you of what will change. When ready, select Continue.

  3. Review your request types (known as Halp forms) to migrate and the desired ticket creation behavior. All active forms must be connected to Jira Service Management, so you’re unable to deselect them from the menu.

    1. If you don’t want to migrate certain Halp forms, exit the dialog and deactivate them. Then, return to these steps.

  4. Select Connect.

  5. Once the connection finishes, a confirmation dialog confirms which request types migrated successfully.

Your queue is considered fully migrated at this point, and you’re ready to start managing requests and issues in Jira Service Management.

Your agents also receive a direct message from Assist telling them that nothing about how they respond and edit issues has changed, but they need to visit Jira Service Management instead of Halp to access web features.

What happens to global fields used by more than one Halp queue?

Once you migrate the first queue using that field, you can no longer add that field to new or existing Halp forms.

For non-migrated queues using that field, you shouldn’t notice any changes. You can still edit any tickets with that field.

Will anything change in Slack or Microsoft Teams?

Migrating at least one queue to Jira Service Management prompts a few user experience changes to buttons and terminology within Slack or Microsoft Teams:

  • Agent channel replaces triage channel

    • If your channels include triage in the name, this won’t be changed.

  • Request or issue replaces ticket

    • When it’s a request channel or a help seeker view, request shows. Issue shows only in agent views.

  • Request participant replaces follower

  • Request type replaces form

  • Service project replaces queue

  • Summary replaces title

What else can I do?

Optionally, you can review the below topics to migrate your Halp tickets or customize your service project further:

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