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How is a service catalogue used in my IT service project?

Using simple forms, your customers can do a lot of the early leg work for your service project. Jira Service Management provides them with clear and concise options for requesting help. A robust service catalogue makes sure that service requests are prioritized and allocated to the correct service agent. It also provides agents with the required information to fulfil the request before beginning work.

The IT service management template comes with a service catalogue of common requests. These are called request types and can be customized to suit your needs. Request types appear in your help centers.

When setting up your service project, identify the most common and urgent IT tasks. View the service catalogue to see if there's a corresponding request type for each of these, and if one doesn’t exist, a new request type can be created. Your service catalogue can be viewed by selecting Project settings > Request types.

The IT service management template comes with pre-loaded request types. Some examples include:

  • Get IT help

  • Report a system problem

  • Request a new account

  • Set up VPN to the office

  • Fix an account problem

  • Get a guest wifi account

Learn more about request types.


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