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Create new accounts through email

Admins, agents, and customers can create accounts by adding someone’s email address in the To or CC fields of email messages. When organizations host sensitive data on their portal and knowledge base, they may not want agents or customers to create new accounts by mistake. Site admins can define whether or not they want accounts created via To or CC fields of email messages.

To view or change these settings for your site:

  1. From the top right of your screen, select Settings () > Products.

  2. Under Jira Service Management, select Email requests.

  3. Under Account creation for customers, select who can create accounts.

  4. Select Save.

How accounts are created based on customer access and customer permissions settings?

The behavior of account creation settings depends on the global customer access and project-level customer permissions settings.

Learn how to configure customer access settings

Learn how to change project customer permissions

The following sections describe how different settings affect account creation via emails:

Agents can always create new accounts. Existing customers can create new accounts based on customer access and project level customer permissions settings

When your site admin selects this option, agents can always create accounts by adding customers’ email addresses in the To or CC fields of email messages.

Existing customers can create new accounts only if you select:

  • allow customers to create accounts on the Customer Access page, and

  • anyone allowed on the customer access settings on the Customer Permissions page in the project

Anyone can create new accounts based on customer access and project level customer permissions settings

When your site admin selects this option, anyone can create new accounts only if you select:

  • allow customers to create accounts on the customer access page, and

  • anyone allowed on the customer access settings on the customer permissions page in the project

If the site admin or project admin has set any other option for these settings, then new account creation will not take place through email messages.

No one can create new accounts

No one can create new accounts using email messages when your site admin selects this option. If agents or project admins need to add participants to a request, they can manually add the customer’s email address in the issue view.

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