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Choose a request type for email requests

Associating email requests with a suitable request type ensures that the emails are successfully filtered into your service project queues.

To receive requests by email, you need to have at least one request type in your project with visible Summary and Description fields only (all other fields are not required). Your project comes with a request type assigned to email requests, however, you can choose to use a different request type.

To choose a request type:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings , and then Email requests.

  2. From the More () menu, select Configure email request types

  3. Use the dropdown to select a Request type.

  4. Select Save to confirm your request type.

A suitable request type for receiving email requests must have both Summary and Description fields visible, and any other visible fields must be optional. Learn how to create a new request type

The Description (system field) is necessary for the processing of support requests received via email with a Jira Service Management mail handler, so you can’t remove it from the request types being used for this purpose.

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