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What is Assets Discovery?

Assets Discovery is a network scanning tool that can be used with or without an agent. It detects hardware and software that is connected to your local network, and extracts detailed information about each asset. This data can then be imported into Assets in Jira Service Management to help you manage all of the devices and configuration items within your local network.

Assets Discovery can be downloaded via a link in the Atlassian Marketplace. This software package will run on Windows and Linux systems, and includes three separate tools:

  • Assets Discovery is an agent-less scanner to help you discover devices and configuration items in your local network.

  • Assets Discovery Agent is an agent-ful scanner that can help you discover data from systems that are not always online, or collect data from Windows systems without opening the inbound WMI Port and the Dynamic DCOM Ports.

  • Assets Discovery Collector is a tool that allows you to run multiple instances of Discovery in parallel, or to run a scan remotely and transfer the resulting data to a different location.

Assets Discovery system requirements

Please note that the system requirements for Assets Discovery depend on how many hosts are scanned and how many parallel threads are in use. Read our recommended Information.

Assets Discovery runs under the following environments:

Windows Operating System

(tested under Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 Core, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019).

Linux Desktop Environments

The following OS Distributions (with GUI) are tested

  • Ubuntu Desktop 16

  • Debian 9 (GNOME)

  • Debian 9 (KDE)

  • CentOS 7 (GNOME)

  • Linux Mint 18.2 Cinnamon

NET Core Runtime Installed 
Mono 5.2.0 or higher installed

Other Distributions will also work but are not tested by us!

For Linux as Operating System you need to use at least Discovery 2.2.0 or higher. See Using Discovery on a Linux System

Virtual machines and 64-bit systems are supported.

The minimum suggested configuration is:

  • 4GB of available RAM

  • 2+GHZ CPU

  • 500MB of disk space

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