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Arrange queues into sections for your team

Content on this page applies to Jira Service Management users on Free, Standard, and Premium plans. For users on Enterprise plans, find out how to prioritize your queues using groups.

Arranging queues into sections can help your agents stay on top of the work that’s most important to your teams. The business-critical queues you place under the Team priority section appear to your agents at all times. Move less-used queues into the Other section so they are out of your agent’s focus by default. Your agents can star queues from both sections for quick access in the Starred section on top of the queue list.

To arrange queues:

  1. From your service project, go to Queues.

  2. Select Manage queues.

  3. Drag and drop the queues between the two sections: Team priority and Other.

  4. Select Close.

You can also arrange queues while you edit a queue:

  1. From your service project, go to Queues.

  2. Select the queue you want to edit.

  3. Select Edit queue.

  4. Select Add to Team priority checkbox to add the queue to the Team priority section. If unselected, the queue will appear in the Other section.

  5. Select Save to confirm your changes.

Queues in Starred and Team priority sections refresh on a regular sync updating their issue count (the number of issues in the queue). Queues in Other section do not refresh, and is collapsed by default.

Learn more about the best practices for managing queues at scale.


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