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Talk to the customer or team members from the issue view

You can communicate with the customer who raised the request by adding a comment. This is used to ask clarifying questions or to let them know how you’ve resolved their request. You can also add internal notes (the customer cannot see these) to your service project team members to bring them in for help, or to just notify them on what’s happening.

Comment to customer and internal note describing how to clone black holes
  1. Internal note

  2. Comment to customer

Reply to customer

To reply to the customer:

  1. Open the issue view of the request.

  2. Click Reply to customer.

  3. Type a comment.

  4. Click Save.

Add internal note

To reply to the customer:

  1. Open the issue view of the request.

  2. Click Add internal note.

  3. Type a comment.

  4. Click Save.

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