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Requirements for using the Halp migration tool

Halp’s features will be exclusively available in Jira Service Management starting on June 4, 2024. Keep working on requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams as you are today by migrating to Jira Service Management.

What permissions do I need to migrate?

In Halp

You need to either have global or queue admin permissions to migrate.

Global admins can perform every step of the migration, including connecting a Jira Service Management Cloud site to Halp.

Queue admins can perform every step of the migration for the queues they manage, except connecting a Jira Service Management Cloud site to Halp. Only global admins can connect a cloud site to Halp.

In Jira Service Management

You need to have site admin permission to migrate. To migrate tickets, you also need to have product admin permissions. If you’re the admin who creates a new site for your migration, you’ll have the correct permissions.

If you didn’t create the site, ask your existing site admin to grant you permissions. Make sure they also grant you product access to Jira Service Management.

Which queues can I migrate with the tool?

Our migration tool was built for queues without an existing integration. That means if you’re currently integrated with a Data Center version of Jira, or cloud versions of Jira, you need to migrate to Jira Service Management Cloud manually.

Queues connected to Zendesk can use the migration tool.

Queues integrated with Data Center

If your queue is integrated with Data Center versions of Jira, Jira Core, or Jira Service Desk, you’ll need to migrate to Jira Service Management Cloud to continue using Halp’s features after June 4, 2024.

To get started on your migration, review our cloud migration resources.

Queues connected to Jira Cloud

After June 4, 2024, your integration with Jira Cloud will stop functioning. You need to move your work to Jira Service Management Cloud to continue managing requests directly from Slack or Teams.

To move to Jira Service Management Cloud and set up chat:

  1. Activate Jira Service Management on your cloud site.

  2. Create a new service project to receive the work.

  3. Invite your agents to the service project.

  4. Connect to Slack or Teams using chat.

    1. If you want to continue using the same request and triage (agent) channels in Slack or Teams, disconnect those channels from your existing Halp queue, then connect your new service project to those same channels.

If you want to migrate your Jira issues to your new service project, you can use the Move action.

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