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Configure common settings in Asset Discovery

Before you can scan your local system you should configure your settings in Assets Discovery. The Common settings tab in Assets Discovery deals with the general settings for the tool.

  1. Navigate to your Assets Discoverydirectory and type discovery.exe -s in your terminal or command-line interpreter.

  2. Enter your password. If this is the first time you have used Assets Discovery you will be asked to enter and confirm a new password. This password must contain at least 8 characters including at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one numeric and one non-alphanumeric (symbol) character.

  3. Select the Common tab.

  4. Configure settings in the Common tab:

    1. Number of threads - Set the number of parallel running scan threads (default 4). The recommended maximum is 2 threads per core (e.g. if you are using a 8 Core CPU, you will achieve best performance with 16 threads).

    2. Maximum Scan Thread Time (m) - After configured minutes a scan thread will be canceled.

    3. Export Type - select what to do with the scan results:

      1. None - the scan results will not be moved and will appear in the ‘scans’ folder.

      2. FileCopy - the scan results will be copied into the directory identified in the Export Path field.

      3. SFTP - the scan results will be copied to a file path of your choice.

      4. SFTP-RSA - the scan results will be copied to a file path of your choice. Enter your login and credentials to copy results protected by RSA.

      5. Cloud - the scan results will be copied to the cloud. Enter an access token.

    4. Export Path - if you select the FileCopy option in Export Type, enter the destination for the scan results. You can test the validity of your destination by selecting Test Export Path.

    5. Log Level - Select the level of information to record in the logfile:

      1. Normal - the logfile will only contain basic information like the ICMP-Result and the Discovery Statistic.

      2. Debug - the logfile will contain detailed information that can help you debug problems when using the Assets Discovery tool.

    6. Split Log per Thread - If this option is enabled Assets Discovery will create multiple log files and create a subfolder for each scan. Each logical thread will result in a log file. The filename will end with the internal number of the logical thread. The main thread will always be the file ending with 0000, will contain information about the started threads, and can be used as an index for searching a specific scan file.

    7. Delete Logs after (days) - logfiles and folders will be deleted after the configured time. (default = 7 days)

    8. Delete Unknown Hosts* - If this option is enabled, the Discovery-Tool will remove all "Unknown Hosts" from the result. "Unknown Hosts" are hosts that responding to ICMP Requests, but the credentials to get full details are missing and we can't get basic informations (see "Basic Hosts")

    9. ICMP Timeout (ms) - Configures the timeout for ICMP (Ping) requests in milliseconds. (default = 300 milliseconds)

    10. ICMP Repeats - Configures the amount of retries of ICMP Requests (when the request was not successful) (default: 0)

    11. Delete Basic Hosts* - If this option is set, the Discovery-Tool will remove all "Basic Hosts" from the result. "Basic Hosts" are hosts that responding to ICMP Requests, but the credentials to get full details are missing. The Discovery-Tool can only try to get a hostname via DNS-Reverse-LookUp and optional a MAC-Address via arp-cache.

    12. SNMP Timeout (ms) - Configures the timeout for SNMP connections in milliseconds. (default = 500 milliseconds)

    13. Delete VM Guests - If this option is enabled, the Discovery-Tool will remove all "Virtual Guests" that are found by some pattern from the result. This will prevent creating "double" Hosts if you also full discovering the VM Guest with WMI or SSH credentials.

    14. SSH Timeout (s) - Configures the timeout for SSH connections in seconds. (default = 40 seconds)

    15. Delete Duplicate Device - If this option is set, the Discovery-Tool will remove a Device (SNMP) and keep "duplicate" Host Object. If the option is not set and a Host also responding over the SNMP Interface the result data will contain a Host and a Device Object for that system.

    16. WMI Timeout (s) - Configures the timeout for WMI connections in seconds. (default = 25 seconds)

    17. Use PowerShell - If this option is enabled, Assets Discovery will try to establish a PowerShell connection to any remote servers that it scans. If that connection is successful, the alternative PowerShell-Pattern will be used instead of the WMI-Pattern. Also it is possible to use Custom PowerShell-Pattern. Please just enable PowerShell if:

      • The Discovery-Tool is used in a Domain Environment
        (PowerShell just work in a Domain!)

      • A DNS Server is reachable
        (PowerShell needs a FullQualifiedDomain-Name for the remote machine, so for each IP address the Discovery-Tool perform a DNS-Reverse Lookup)

      If the the described points not available the performance of the Discovery-Tool will drop dramatically!

    18. vSphere Timeout (s) - Configures the timeout for vSphere connections in seconds. (default = 25 seconds)

    19. Auto add sudo - If this option is checked "sudo" will be added to all SSH-Commands

    20. Try VM Guest scan - If that option is checked, the Discovery-Tool will try a "full"-scan of the found VM-Guests if they had available NetworkInterface Informations and working credentials for that system/ip

    21. Change Password - Here you can change your settings password.

* Only available if you are using Assets Discovery on a Windows Environment.


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