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Connect GitHub repositories with Jira Service Management

You can connect GitHub to your IT service project to track your deployments. To map GitHub repositories with your services, you must first setup the GitHub app for Jira. Learn how to add GitHub integration to Jira.

After adding the GitHub app:

  1. From your service project, go to Project settings > Change management.

  2. Select Connect Pipeline Github, then copy the Service ID at the end of the setup flow.

  3. Go to your GitHub account.

  4. Create a folder and name it .jira

  5. Then, create a file in this folder and name it config.yml. You can now map your services in this file.

  6. In the config.yml file, enter the service IDs you want to map into this repository. You can use the following script example:

1 2 3 4 deployments: services: ids: - b:YXJpOmNsb3VkOmdyYXBoOjpzZXJ2aWNlLzQxODczNDgyLTUzZWUtNDczOC1hYmI1LWFiMzRhNmZlNGNlMC8xYmJlYjkwMi05MGNkLTExZWMtOWZhMi0xMjhiNDI4MTk0MjQ=

The services you map into the GitHub repository should be in the same service project. You must use a different service project if you wish to use another repository. If there are invalid service IDs, GitHub will discard those, and they will not be mapped.

You can map up to 100 services to each GitHub repository.

Now that you’ve connected and mapped GitHub, you can start using deployment tracking and incident investigation view. Learn how to setup deployment tracking.

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