Choose how notifications display the email sender name
When your customers get email notifications, the ‘from’ field (sender name) in the emails can appear to be different users or the name of the portal, depending on how the notifications have been generated from the service project. As a result, the customer may be under the impression that they can contact the agent directly by replying to the notification email when they see the agent’s name in the ‘from’ field of the email. In fact, all the emails are sent from the notification email address configured for that service project (jira@<instance-name> is the default email address for sending customer notifications). Learn more about customer notifications.
Project admins can configure how customer notifications display the email sender name.
From your service project, select Project settings, then Notifications, then Customer notifications.
Find the Sender name section and select an option for your service project.
Sender name options
Display the user’s public name for user-generated messages. Otherwise, display the portal name
When the service project generates the notification, the customer will see the service project’s portal name as the email sender. For example, the ‘request created’ type of notifications are usually generated by the service project.
When a user generates the notification, the customer will see that user’s public name as the email sender. For example, the ‘public comment added’ type of notifications are usually initiated by the admins or agents. The user’s public name is the admin’s or agent’s display name on Atlassian public forums such as Atlassian Community.
Always display the portal name of this service project
Customers will always see the service project’s portal name as the email sender regardless of whether the notification is generated by the service project or user behavior.
If needed, you can change the service project’s portal name by selecting Project settings, then Channels & self service, then Portal, then Portal name.
This page is for team-managed projects
If the lower-left of your service project sidebar doesn’t say you're in a team-managed project, check out these company-managed project articles instead.
Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.
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