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How can service project and software teams work together?

Collaboration with other Jira products can help you share information easily around your organization. For example, Jira teams can get context from your service project agents' conversations with customers.

By default, Jira Service Management agents can:

  • View Jira issues.

  • Comment on Jira issues.

  • Transition Jira issues.

By default, Jira users:

  • Can't view Jira Service Management requests in the portal.

  • Can't view Jira Service Management issues in a Jira Service Management project.

  • Can't comment on Jira Service Management requests in the portal.

  • Can't comment on Jira Service Management issues in a Jira Service Management project.

  • Can't view links to Jira Service Management issues in Jira projects.

If you plan to work with other Jira teams, you should change your project's permissions. These are the permissions that are important for collaboration between service project agents and software development teams.

Collaborators don’t have access to the service project interface (queues, reports, and SLAs) and can’t work on issues (for example, log work or transition them).

Request participants

Users with this permission can:

  • View requests in the portal.

  • Add public comments in the portal.

  • Add attachments in the portal.

  • Transition the request through its workflow in the portal.

View permission on Jira Service Management projects

Users with this permission can:

  • View issues in service projects.

  • VIew linked service project information in Jira projects.

Comment permission on Jira Service Management projects

Users with this permission can:

  • Add internal comments on service project issues.

We recommend giving all logged-in users permission to view and comment on service projects if you want to collaborate. Learn more about Jira Cloud permissions.

Set up your first Jira Service Management Cloud project.


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