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Find similar issues on Jira Service Management

Easily find similar issues in the project that are related to the issues you’re working on. This works for all issues types on Jira Service Management.

To view similar service requests, problems, changes, and post-incident reviews:

  1. From your service project, go to the issue you want to find related issues for.

  2. Select Similar requests

  3. Select Open or Resolved to filter similar requests by status. 

The similar requests panel uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to provide a list of recent requests that have similar titles or descriptions to the one you are currently viewing.


To view similar incidents:

  1. From your service project, go to the issue you want to find related issues for.

  2. Select Similar incidents.

These results are AI-powered, so some results may not be relevant or helpful to you. To help improve results, you can give feedback by reacting 👍 or 👎 to a result.


To enable or disable the features:

  1. From your service project, go to Project settings Features.

  2. Turn on/off the Similar issues toggle.


This feature is part of the feature lab, a space where we showcase new ideas and ways of working. It might be improved, modified, or removed in the future.

Learn more about the feature lab.


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