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Configure Assets Discovery agents

The Discovery-Agent (Windows) is optional to use for the following situations:

  • Discover data from systems that are not always online (like Office-Computers or Notebooks)

  • Collect data from Windows System without opening the inbound WMI Port & the Dynamic DCOM Ports

Inside of the "Discovery_x.x.x.zip" you can find the "Discovery_Agent_Setup.msi" Installer package.

Install the Discovery Agent and make sure that the Firewall will accept connections from the inbound Port 51337.

For collecting the data configure the Optional Agent Settings of the Discovery tool.

The file transfer between the Discovery-Tool and the Windows Agent is AES 128 encrypted.
For each transfer both tools are exchanging a session key for the encryption.

Learn how to configure the Agent Token - link to Service | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation.

How to configure Assets Discovery agents

Now that you have Assets Discovery agents installed on your system, you must enable Assets Discovery as a service to collect the data from the agents.

  1. Install Assets Discovery as a service. For more information, see this page.

  2. Configure Assets Discovery as a service. In the Agent Settings, you must configure the following information:

    1. Agent Scan Interval - the interval, in minutes, before the Assets Discovery service checks with Assets Discovery Agents for new data. When the interval is reached, the service will perform a self restart to release the allocated memory that can not release during the service process is running. It will not affect a running scan, the restart will only executed when there is a free time slot between the configured scan settings. When it is configured to 0 the function is disabled.

    2. Agent IP Range - Here you can define the IP Range(s) that will be checked for available Discovery-Agents. Like the IP-Range at the Common-Setting you can define multiple Ranges.

    3. Agent TCP Port - The TCP Port of the available Agents in the configured IP Range.

    4. Agent Timeout - the default timeout for each connection to a remote agent. The default period is 3 seconds.

    5. Trigger Agents to Scan - select to immediately trigger all available agents at the configured range to start a local scan.

    6. Agent File-Transfer List - Select to configure files that will be synchronised with all available agents at the configured range. For example you can transfer pattern files from discovery/pattern/myCustomPattern.pat to agent/pattern/myCustomPattern.pat. This will also work if you made changes to your "source" files. You also can synchronize Agent-Configurations (Agents.cfg), by copying an Agent.cfg file to your main Discovery folder and choose it for synchronising.

How to edit advanced settings

Although it is possible to manually edit the settings for Assets Discovery agents, this is not recommended. If it is required, you can manually edit the following settings in the agent.cfg file.


Configuration options


With the "Normal"-Setting the Log file will only contain basic information's.

With the "Extended"-Setting the Log file will contain every information about the discovery scan.

With the "Debug"-Setting the Log file will contain very much Information that can help for support you by a Problem.


The default listener port is 51337, if you change that port you must also change the agent port in the Discovery-Tool configuration file (Discovery.cfg)


Default is "false" and the Agent will listen on any active network interface of the system.

If you set it to "true" the Agent will only listen on the first network interface.


Here you can set the days after the logfiles will be deleted, default is 7 days.


If you set it to "true" the Agent will not start the TCP-Listener,

it is useful when you use the direct copy option.


If you want it is possible that the Agent directly copy the scan result files to another system (i.e. the Jira/Assets-System). You must use a full UNC-Path like "\\myserver\import\schemaname"

If these options are configured the Agent will transfer the result data as .xml file to the configured target path.


Set the interval of performed scans in hours. Default is 24 hours.

How to force agents to transfer data to a target path

If you want to transfer the result data as an XML file to the configured target path you can add a SFTP transfer setting.

Add the following code to the agents.cfg file, inside of the <Settings> node:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <SFTPSettings> <ExportPath></ExportPath> <UserName>yourUser</UserName> <Password>mysecurepassword</Password> <TransferReties>5</TransferReties> <TranserRetryInterval>30</TranserRetryInterval> </SFTPSettings>

or use "Discovery_Agent.exe -setupsftp" (this will execute a small console configuration for the sftp transfer)

Please notice that the password will be encrypted during the first startup.

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