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Export objects

Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets.

Exporting objects enables you to feed your data into other systems to do subsequent data analysis. You can also use this feature to make backups of your data.

To export objects:

  1. Select Assets in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select Object schemas.

  3. Select the object schema where the objects are located.

  4. Select the object type where the objects are located. Optionally, you can filter the objects using the object type filter search or advanced search.

  5. Select the List view icon.

  6. Select Bulk actions and select Export objects in the dropdown.

  7. In the popup window:

    1. Configure the settings for the export. The options are explained below.

    2. Select Export. The objects will be exported as a CSV file.

The CSV file will contain the header record which is a comma separated (the default separator is a comma) string of all the names of the attributes for your exported object type. The subsequent rows are the data records for each of those attributes.

Options for export


This specifies the separator for the values in the header and data records. You can use the default comma (,) or choose from: 

  • semicolon (; )

  • tab


This denotes the encoding format that will be used for the data records in your CSV file. You can choose one of the following:

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16

  • ISO-8859-1

  • ISO-8859-15

  • Windows-1250

  • Windows-1252


This indicates whether the data stored in the CSV file should be Data consistent (unprocessed) or User friendly.

  • If you want to import the data to Assets for data migration or recovery purposes, then the Data consistent option will help you to preserve the references and date formats appropriately.

  • Alternatively, if you use the CSV file with a reporting tool like Power BI or open it in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets then the User friendly option will display the data in a meaningful manner.

The tables below show what is stored in the CSV file for certain object types in both formats:

User friendly format

Attribute type                              

Stored value                                                                                                                                     

Referenced Object

The label of the value


The display name of the user


The name of the value

Date, DateTime

The value of the date in a format that is set in Jira


Only the plain text value. All the HTML tags in the value will be removed.

Data consistent format

Attribute type                                           

Stored value                                                                                                                                                     

Referenced Object

The Key of the value


The account id of the user


The Id of the value

Date, DateTime

The value of the date in a unix timestamp


The entire HTML markup value

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