Get started with Jira Service Management for admins
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When something happens on an issue, like someone commenting, editing, or tracking time, the actions are recorded and available for display in the Activity section of the issue view. Whenever you need to look back on what has happened on an issue, just scroll down the issue view and find the Activity section.
You can filter your activity by:
Comments: Provide text updates to let others know what’s happening, plus add code snippets, images, tables, and more. Learn more about comments on issues.
History: Get updates on the entire issue, like who edits a field, moves an issue through its workflow, and more.
Work log: Review time-tracking records and see who logs time on an issue. Learn more about logging time on an issue.
Approvals: See who’s involved in approval decisions, and any conditions that still need to be met. Learn more about how approvals work.
All: View comments, history, work log records, and approvals at once.
Approval activity can only be found under Approvals, and will no longer appear in addition with Comments to accurately reflect approval states in context.
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