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Migrate Halp tickets to Jira Service Management

Halp’s features will be exclusively available in Jira Service Management starting on June 4, 2024. Keep working on requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams as you are today by migrating to Jira Service Management.

If you need to migrate your Halp tickets to Jira Service Management issues, you can do so right from Halp. This step is optional for your migration, but we encourage it to make the switch between products smoother, and so your help seekers and agents have access to historical ticket data.

You can choose to migrate all open and in progress tickets so your team doesn’t miss any requests. If your agents find historical ticket data helpful, you may choose to migrate closed tickets too.

If you migrate tickets that don’t have corresponding request types — meaning, they weren’t created with a Halp form — the request type displays as Migrated from Halp. You’ll also see a similar prefix on any ticket attachments migrated to Jira Service Management.

Migrate Halp tickets to Jira Service Management

If any of your agents use Jira Service Management for Mobile, tell them to temporarily turn off notifications before you migrate tickets.

To migrate Halp tickets:

  1. Go to Migrate to Jira Service Management from your queue.

  2. Select Migrate tickets.

  3. From the Migrate tickets dialog that appears, select which ticket statuses to migrate to your service project.

    1. Select All open and in progress tickets to migrate anything that currently has a status of open or in progress.

    2. When selecting closed tickets, you also need to determine which time interval to migrate. You can select from 30 days to all time.

      1. By default, comment history migrates too. Be aware that if your tickets have several comments, the migration takes longer. If you don’t need to migrate comments, unselect Include comment history for a faster migration.

  4. Once your tickets migrate successfully, Assist sends you a direct message in Slack or Microsoft Teams letting you know.

Potential ticket migration errors

Since you can customize Halp and Jira Service Management for your team, you may run into errors while migrating tickets.

If there are errors, Assist sends you a message in Slack or Microsoft Teams letting you know. The message includes a link to download a CSV that includes any errors and recommended steps to resolve.

You can only access the link in Slack or Teams for seven days. If you need the errors after the link has expired, go to the queue’s Migrate to Jira Service Management page to download the error list again.

Error: We couldn’t add one or more fields

If the Halp ticket’s field doesn’t have a matching Jira field, we can’t set the field value. The ticket still migrates, but the data in those fields doesn’t transfer.

This happens when:

  • The global Halp field wasn’t added to the ticket’s Halp form.

  • The Jira field’s name, type, or dropdown options changed since you started migrating, so they no longer match the Halp field.

To fix, update the field value manually in Jira Service Management. You can also bulk update existing issues with a CSV import.

Error: We couldn’t add the issue status

If the Halp ticket’s status doesn’t have a matching Jira status, we can’t set the status. The ticket still migrates, but the status doesn’t transfer.

This happens when:

  • The Jira statuses have changed and don’t match Halp.

  • The Jira workflow was changed, and the issue type (Ask a question) created during migration no longer uses the right workflow.

To fix, update the status manually in Jira Service Management. You can also bulk update existing issues with a CSV import.

If the ticket link in Slack or Teams doesn’t update to the Jira issue link, it still looks like a Halp ticket in your chat platform. The ticket is still migrated, but it may not look like it in Slack or Teams.

To fix, make any update to the ticket from the agent channel or Halp web. This forces the link to update.

Error: We couldn’t migrate one or more ticket comments/attachments

If we couldn’t migrate an attachment or comment, upload any needed comments/attachments manually to the Jira issue.

Error: We couldn’t migrate the ticket

If a ticket couldn’t be migrated to Jira Service Management, confirm that your fields and forms match with what’s in your service project. Then, try the migration again.

If you continue to experience errors, try creating the issue manually or importing from a CSV.

Deactivated Slack or Teams users

If the Halp ticket assignee or requester doesn’t have a email associated with their Slack or Teams profile, there will be some changes made to the issue in Jira Service Management:

  • If there is no user email associated with the original requester, we set the Assist bot as the requester. Assist posts any comments on behalf of the requester using their Slack or Teams display name.

  • If there is no user email associated with the agent assignee, the issue isunassigned.

This is expected behavior, so these aren’t included in the ticket migration error CSV. To update the requester or the agent, you can do so manually.

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