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Auto-close incidents after they are resolved

The IT service project template includes an extra service level agreement (SLA) and automation rule. Together, these automatically close incidents three business days after an agent resolves them.

SLA: Time to close after resolution

The SLA called Time to close after resolution starts a clock when the resolution field of an incident is set. This clock stops if an agent clears the resolution field or if the request transitions to Closed.

You can view, edit or remove this SLA from your service project by selecting Project settings > SLAs.

Automation rule: Auto-close after being resolved for 3 business days

The IT service project includes a legacy automation rule called Auto-close after being resolved for 3 business days. This rule transitions an incident from Resolved to Closed when the above SLA is breached.

You can disable or fine tune the rule in your service project by selecting Project settings > Legacy automation.

Learn more about setting up rules to automate repetitive tasks with legacy automation.

This page is for company-managed projects

If the lower-left of your service project sidebar says you're in a team-managed project, check out these team-managed project articles instead.

Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.


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