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What are the advantages of sharing custom fields?

Sharing a custom field set across Jira Service Management and Jira can help you collect the right information from users. Your Jira administrator can maintain these fields in a single screen scheme. They can apply the scheme to both development and service projects. Read more about custom fields and screen schemes.

By default, the Bug issue type comes with these fields:

  • Summary

  • Symptom

  • Attachment

However, you might want to add your own custom fields to collect more information.

Developers say incomplete information is the biggest blocker to fixing bugs. Some common information that developers use are:

  • Steps to reproduce the bug

  • Observed and expected behavior

  • Screenshots

You may also want to collect information to categorize, report, or automate actions related to the bug report such as:

  • Operating system

  • Version

  • Component

  • URL

  • User agent string

Learn how to add a new custom field to a project in Jira Service Management.

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