Feature usage and how it works
Usage limits for Assets and the virtual service agent in Jira Service Management will take effect on October 16, 2024. See our blog article for more details.
Some features within Jira Service Management have items that are measured for pricing purposes. For example, Assets contains objects that can be used to represent physical or virtual items, whereas the virtual service agent provides assisted conversations for customers.
Currently, usage is tracked for Assets and the virtual service agent, and both of these are priced based on limits.
How usage works for Assets
You get 50,000 objects included for free with Premium and Enterprise plans. To get more objects beyond this allowance, subscribe to the ‘Extra objects' add-on for Assets in Jira Service Management.
Your Assets usage is calculated based on the total number of objects in all schemas across your site except system schemas. System schemas are schemas used by other features in Jira to store information, such as Services. Read more about Services. Objects within Data Manager do not count towards your usage.
Add-on subscriptions are on a site-by-site basis, so if you have multiple sites or instances of Jira Service Management (as an Enterprise customer), you’ll need a different add-on subscription for each site.
Track your feature usage for Assets
You can track the number of Assets objects in each object schema and the total number across all schemas in your site. This number may include objects in schemas that are hidden from some people, depending upon roles and permissions. Read more about roles.
Select Settings (), then Products.
Under Jira Service Management, select Feature usage.
Select Assets.
How usage works for the virtual service agent
As a Premium or Enterprise customer, your plan includes 1,000 free assisted conversations per month (as a monthly customer), or 12,000 free assisted conversations per year (as an annual customer). Usage is reset every month for monthly customers, and every year for annual customers at the end of the billing cycle. Unused usage is not carried over to the next cycle.
If you happen to need more assisted conversations beyond this allowance, you can subscribe to the ‘Extra assisted conversations' add-on for the virtual service agent in Jira Service Management. Find out how to manage usage for the virtual service agent, or read about what happens when you reach your assisted conversations limit.
How we define assisted conversations
Like a conversation between two people in the real world, a single conversation between the virtual service agent and a customer can be made up of multiple messages, and usually ends in one of several ways:
resolution – the customer indicates that the virtual service agent solved their problem
escalation – the virtual service agent creates an issue for one of your agents to work on
auto-closing – the customer abandons the conversation and the virtual service agent “closes” the conversation
A single message is not a conversation – and not all conversations are assisted conversations.
Assisted conversations are either:
Matched conversations – any conversation that was successfully matched to an intent, regardless of whether the virtual service agent resolved the issue or escalated it to an agent for further support. Read more about intents, or find out how intent matching works.
AI resolved conversations – any conversation during which the virtual service agent responds to the customer using Atlassian Intelligence answers, and then the customer either indicates that the response resolved their issue or they abandon the conversation (resulting in the conversation being auto-closed). Read more about Atlassian Intelligence answers, or about the auto-close standard flow.
Assisted conversations do not include conversations in test mode or in your Slack test channel. Read more about testing your virtual service agent.
Track your usage for the virtual service agent
To track virtual service agent conversations and assisted conversations:
Select Settings (), then Products.
Under Jira Service Management, select Feature usage.
Select Virtual service agent.
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