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Add links to external resources in your service project

The external resources feature allows you to add links to helpful knowledge, communication channels like chat, request forms and more from tools outside Jira Service Management.

For example, you could add the link to a video on how to set up your VPN or link out to a document about your leave policy. Or you could share a Slack channel that would guide your customers or employees to the right service team. Or if your HR team uses a different tool to receive requests, you could add a link to request forms that live in this request management system.

Project admins can add and manage these links in Project settings. You can add up to 10 links and they’ll show up in your portal as Related resources.

To add a link:

  1. From your project’s sidebar, select Project settings > External resources.

  2. Select Add link.

  3. Add details of the link, choose what type of resource you’ll be linking out to, give the link a title and a brief description.

  4. Select Add.

You can drag and drop links from the list to reorder them. To edit link details, select the edit icon (). And to remove links, select the remove icon ().

Jira admins can add links to external resources from multiple portals in a help center using topics. Bringing these links to topics means that your customers will be able to find the relevant resources they need even faster, right from the help center home page. Learn how to create and manage topics.
External resources added to a service project will also show up in help center search results.

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