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What are risk insights in change management?

One of the main goals of change management is to prevent incidents and ensure process compliance. High-risk changes in a fast-paced environment might lead to time consuming and stressful incidents. Meanwhile, low-risk changes that shouldn’t need to be managed might take up lots of time and are usually slow. The risk insights panel helps the Change Advisory Board (CAB) understand the potential risks of a change by providing an overall look at recent incidents and other changes scheduled within the same timeframe and same service.

Risk insights panel

The risk insights panel is located on your issue view. In its initial state, it doesn’t show any data. To view all potential risks, the fields below must be available and filled on the issue view of your change:

  • Affected services

  • Planned start

  • Planned end

There are three tabs on the panel:

  • Risk summary – The risk summary tab shows you the change conflicts and open incidents on the same service and within the same timeframe of your change.

  • Changes – If there are one or more changes in the same timeframe with your change, you can see them here as conflicting changes. It also shows other changes planned within up to seven days after the planned end date for your change.

  • Incidents – Ongoing incidents on the same affected service are considered as risks to your change. You may also view recently resolved or closed incidents and decide whether they are a risk to the current change.


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