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Merge Opsgenie with Jira Service Management

To merge, you must be a Jira Service Management site admin and Opsgenie owner, and have separate Jira Service Management and Opsgenie plans in the same Atlassian site, and your Jira Service Management shouldn’t be in trial period. Learn more about merging.

If you have a separate plan for both Opsgenie and Jira Service Management, you can choose to merge your products. This will simplify your billing and give all of your licensed users full access to both product's capabilities. It will also unlock some enhanced IT service management features. 

We’re rolling out a new Atlassian billing engine that affects they way you access the Billing page. This difference is only a navigation-wise change and doesn’t affect your merge process. Follow the instructions below depending on the navigation you use on your Atlassian site.

To merge Opsgenie and Jira Service Management:

  1. Open admin.atlassian.com.

  2. Switch to the Billing tab.

  3. If you see and info  :info: icon next to Opsgenie under Products and apps column:

    1. In the pop-up, select Get started.

    2. Read through the information provided, and when you're ready to merge, 

    3. Select Merge

  4. If you don’t see the info icon next to Opsgenie and see a Manage subscription link next to Jira Service Management instead: 

    1. Select Manage subscription on Jira Service Management 

    2. On the Jira Service Management card, select Get started under the merge information.

    3. Read through the information provided, and when you're ready, select Get started.

    4. Select the plan you would like to use for your merged products.

    5. Confirm the plan and select Continue.

    6. When you’re ready to merge, select Confirm merge.

You’ll be notified by email when the merge is successfully completed.

After merging, learn how to enable Service, Alerts, and On-Call scheduling. Now you’re ready to continue working as usual.


If you’d like to unmerge your Opsgenie and Jira Service Management subscriptions, you’ll need to contact Atlassian support.

Once they're unmerged, Opsgenie and Jira Service Management will become standalone products, with separate user management and billing costs.

The subscription cost for Jira Service Management will not change unless you remove agents, and standard Opsgenie pricing will apply to the unmerged Opsgenie subscription.

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