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Embed a widget onto a web page

Your customers can raise requests directly from any website through an embeddable widget.

You can customize your widget’s appearance and available fields in your Project settings , and get a preview before you add it to your webpage.

Before you embed your widget, you need to set it up to be accessible to all. To do so, make sure:

If you want to suggest articles to your customers in the widget, make sure that you’ve set the Who can view permission for the required knowledge base spaces to Anyone.

To embed a widget:

  1. From your service project, go to Project settings > Widget.

  2. Choose the widget options that fit your needs.

  3. Select Save to confirm.

  4. Copy and use the generated code on your web page(s). If you update the options later, we'll automatically update the widget. You don’t need to recopy the code.

When choosing a default request type for the widget, you may see an error saying the request type isn't valid. Usually, this means the request type has a required field that we can't yet render in the widget. To continue using it for your widget, make the field optional in the request type.


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