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Set or change the virtual agent default request type

The virtual agent is now available for all Jira Service Management customers on Premium and Enterprise plans. Read more about plans and pricing.

The virtual agent can create issues in Jira Service Management on behalf of your customers.

When the virtual agent creates an issue, it uses the virtual agent default request type, unless you override it in a specific intent’s conversation flow using a change request type and fields step. Read more about step types in the virtual agent.

Hidden request types and required fields

Before you begin, make sure your virtual agent default request type:

  1. Is not hidden from the portal. If the virtual agent has problems automatically creating issues, it may send customers a link to the request form for the default request type on your portal. A hidden default request type means that this link won’t work, and customers won’t be able to get help. Read more about organizing request types in the portal.

  2. Has no required fields. The virtual agent has no way to fill out required fields when creating issues using the default request type. Find out how to add or remove fields from a request type.

Set or change the virtual agent default request type

You need to be a project admin to set or change the virtual agent default request type.

  1. From the navigation on the left, select Project settings, then Virtual agent, and then Settings.

  2. Select Basic settings at the top of the page.

  3. Under Virtual agent default request type, select the request type you want the virtual agent to use when creating issues.

  4. Select Save.

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