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Tracking your usage in Assets

The ability to track and manage Assets objects, attributes, object types, and object schemas are included in Premium and Enterprise editions of Jira Service Management

It can be helpful to understand just how many objects you have in each object schema and in total across your instance. You can track the number of Assets objects in schemas and the number of schemas.

  • This is the total number of objects included in all schemas across your site except system schemas. System schemas are schemas used by other features in Jira to store information, such as Services. Read more about Services.

  • This means the number may include objects in schemas that are hidden from some people, depending upon roles and permissions. Read more about roles.

Track your Assets usage

To see your virtual agent usage:

  • From the top right of your screen, select Settings ( ) > Products.

  • Under Jira Service Management, select Feature usage.

  • View the Assets tab for the number of schema objects and schemas.

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