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Automatically update agents about a linked issue's progress

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This article is relevant to Legacy automation in service projects created before August 30, 2021. If you don’t see Legacy automation in your service project, check out these Automation articles.

Your service project comes with an automation rule called Update when a linked issue changes. This rule comments on your incident record about the status of a linked Jira issue. So, when a development team progresses with their fix, your customers are kept up to date.

You can change or expand this rule to suit your needs. For example, you can close incidents automatically when development teams resolve linked issues in Jira Software. Or, you can send notifications to your customers when development teams put fixes in place.

To edit your linked issue rule:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings > Automation.

  2. Click the rule called Update Jira linked issues.

  3. Edit the rule as required.

Learn more about how to Set up rules to automate repetitive tasks.

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