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Delete request types from your service project

To delete a request type:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings, then Request types.

  2. Next to the request type you want to delete, select More () > Delete request type.

  3. Select Delete.

If you have requests currently using this request type, we'll warn you before you delete them. You’ll have to update these requests to use a new request type, as any details or fields unique to the deleted request type will no longer be visible. Jira Service Management will walk you through how to update those requests, if needed. 

To delete an email request type, you will need to first turn off email requests for the service project, then follow the steps above. To turn off email requests for a service project:

  1. From your service project, select Project settings , then Email requests.

  2. Select More and then choose Disable all email requests.

The More dropdown with 'Disable all email requests' option is present under the Email requests page within Project Settings


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