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Edit a customer's name

You must be an organization administrator to edit a customer’s name for all your service projects on your Jira site. Learn more about managing accounts for portal-only customers

Viewing the right content?

From your organization at admin.atlassian.com, if the Users list and Groups list are under the Directory tab, view the improved user access settings content.

A diagram of an new admin.atlassian.com view that shows a new Directory tab instead of Users and Groups

To edit a customer’s name:

  1. Go to Settings () > User management.

  2. From the sidebar, select Jira Service Management.

  3. From the portal customers page, find the customer you wish to update and select Edit full name.

  4. Make your changes and select Update.

The requested customer’s name is updated on your Jira site.

Improved user access settings experience

The following covers how to edit a customer’s name under the improved user access settings experience:

  1. Go to Settings () > User management.

  2. Select Products from the top navigation bar.

  3. Select the Site name from the Sites and Products on the left hand side.

  4. From the sidebar under Jira Service Management, select Portal customers.

  5. Find the customer you wish to update and select Edit full name.

  6. Make your changes and select Update.

The requested customer’s name is updated on your Jira site.

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