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Review and modify the issue view layout

The issue view is what your agents see when a request is submitted. These fields are only visible to your agents, and include description fields that your agents use to log information, and context fields that provide details so your team to group, filter, and report on issues.

Agents are able to add additional fields to their issue view outside configuration under the More fields tab. These fields are added under Hidden when empty when configuring a Request type under theIssue view tab by admins, and stay hidden unless values are entered. Learn more about configuring the issue view for a request type

Modify the issue view on a request type

To prevent specific fields from showing in the issue view:

  1. Go to Project settings () > Request types

  2. Select the request type you want to customize

  3. Select the Issue viewtab

  4. Drag and drop any fields from the Description fields, Context fields, or Hidden when empty sections into the field panel

  5. Select Save changes

Modify the issue view for all request types that share an issue type

Request types are associated with issue types that link to the relevant screens in service projects. For example, the request type Fix an account problem is a Service Request issue type that uses the Request Fulfilment View/Edit Screen. Modifying the screen allows a Jira admin to add or remove fields, with these changes flowing through to any request types that share the same issue screen.

To hide fields on every request type that uses the same screen:

  1. Go to Project settings () > Issue types

  2. Select the issue type you want to customize

  3. Select Fields in the top right corner

  4. Hover over any fields that you don’t want to display on the issue view, and select Remove.

    1. Any changes you make to a screen may impact request types in other service projects that also use that screen. Check the SHARED BY link to see what other service projects may be impacted.

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