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Give customers an email address to send requests to

If your customers want to send requests to your service project via email, copy your service project’s email address and send it to them.

To view and copy your service project’s email address:

  1. From your service project sidebar, select Channels.

  2. Hover over Email.

  3. Select Configure.

  4. Under Default email account, select the Copy icon () next to your email address.

  5. The email address will be copied to your clipboard.

Depending on the permissions set by your admin, email addresses CC’d in email requests may be added as new customers or request participants. Learn more about adding request participants through email.

After your customer sent an email request to the project’s email address, that email will be converted into an issue in the service project for agents to starting working on a resolution. Depending on the service project’s customer notification settings, the customer can get notification emails about activities on their request. Learn more about customer notifications.

This page is for company-managed projects

If the lower-left of your service project sidebar says you're in a team-managed project, check out these team-managed project articles instead.

Learn more about the difference between company-managed and team-managed projects.

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