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Changing your default workflow editor

When you edit a workflow in Jira Service Management you can choose to use our old workflow editor or our new workflow editor.

Screenshots of of the old and new workflow editors side-by-side

The new editor has all its actions (like adding statuses and transitions) and integration points (like approvals) in one place. You can make all your edits within the editor, without needing to navigate around Jira in multiple tabs to make your changes. Read more about the new workflow editor.

While we continue building the new workflow editor and work to bring across important features from the old editor you can switch between both editors as needed. You can select a default editor so that whenever you edit a workflow it’ll always open the editor you prefer, and you can temporarily open the workflow in the old or new editor so that you can quickly jump back and forth between editors as needed.

Select a default editor for your project

To select your default while using the new editor:

  1. From your service project, go to Project Settings, then Request types.

  2. Find the request type with the workflow you’d like to update and open the ‘More’ menu (…).

  3. Select View and Edit workflow.

  4. In the new workflow editor, select the ‘More’ menu (…).

  5. Select Change default editor.

  6. Select Old editor.

  7. Select Confirm.

  8. If you’d like to leave feedback on why you’re changing your default to the old editor, complete the feedback section, then select Send feedback. Otherwise, select Skip step.


To select your default while using the old editor:

  1. From your service project, go to Project Settings, then Request types.

  2. Find the request type with the workflow you’d like to update and open the ‘More’ menu (…).

  3. Select View and Edit workflow.

  4. In the old workflow editor, select Switch editor.

  5. Select Change default editor.

  6. Select New editor, then select Confirm.

Temporarily open in the other editor

To temporarily open a workflow in the old editor:

  1. From your service project, go to Project Settings, then Request types.

  2. Find the request type with the workflow you’d like to update and open the ‘More’ menu (…).

  3. Select View and Edit workflow.

  4. In the new workflow editor, select the ‘More’ menu (…).

  5. Select Open workflow in old editor. Your workflow will open in the old editor.

  6. Select Edit workflow to continue working.


To temporarily open a workflow in the new editor:

  1. From your service project, go to Project Settings, then Request types.

  2. Find the request type with the workflow you’d like to update and open the ‘More’ menu (…).

  3. Select View and Edit workflow.

  4. In the old workflow editor, select Switch editor.

  5. Select Open workflow in new editor. Your workflow will open in the new editor.


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