View related alert groups

Atlassian Intelligence is available and automatically activated for all products on Premium and Enterprise plans. Organization admins can manage Atlassian Intelligence preferences from Settings > Atlassian Intelligence in Atlassian Administration.

This feature is designed to make it easier to find and use alert groups. Since most on-call teams access individual alert pages directly from notifications on mobile, Slack, or other apps, this feature integrates alert group information and insights right into the alert details page. This means all the related information about the alert is readily available, helping you to streamline the alert management process.

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The alert details page now shows the alert group generated by Atlassian Intelligence that the alert is part of, so you can quickly access alerts similar to the one you’re viewing to speed up the diagnosis and resolve incidents more efficiently.

  1. Activate Atlassian Intelligence if you haven’t done so already.
    You must be an organization admin to activate Atlassian Intelligence for Jira Service Management.

  2. Go to the Alerts list from either Your Work or your team’s Operations.

  3. Select an alert of your choice. If an alert group generated by Atlassian Intelligence exists for the alert, it’s displayed on the page under the “Related alert group” section. There can be only one group an alert can be associated with at a time.

  4. Select Show alert trend.
    The card shows patterns and trends within the alert group, providing an analytical perspective on how the alerts in the group are evolving over time. It includes the distribution of alerts based on their priority and how the alerts have been trending since the group’s creation.

Remove alert group

To remove the group from the page, select the cross mark (x) on the card. This action removes the alerts from the group. Once removed, you can’t add the alert back to the group nor will Atlassian Intelliengence do it.

Let us know what you think

As you go through the experience, use thumbs-up 👍 or thumbs-down 👎 for the Atlassian Intelligence-suggested alert group to let us know if it made sense to you or not. For example, if you believe the alert group shown isn’t related to the alert at hand, select the thumbs-down icon and share the details.

For more information about Atlassian Intelligence, please visit any of the following sites:

Trust Center

What is Atlassian Intelligence? | Atlassian Support

Activate Atlassian Intelligence for your products | Atlassian Support

Troubleshoot Atlassian Intelligence | Atlassian Support

Learn about Atlassian Intelligence | Atlassian Support

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